Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I can hardly believe it myself...

Ahhh, Spring... The time of year when birds are chirping, flowers are budding, hormones are raging, and the air is so thick with love it's almost palpable.  I am going to try my damnedest not to fill this post with cliches and gooeyness, but it might be difficult, considering my recent state of complete and total twitterpation.  
If you will recall, about a month and a half ago, some girlfriends and I decided to start going out regularly to some new places to see if we could meet some new people.  You may also recall, we weren't having much luck.  This all changed, however, by the 4th week.  In a strange, yet almost kismetic (I think I made that word up) way, one friend said yes to a date with someone she had known for awhile, the other took a chance on someone she'd never really considered, and I met someone I never dreamed existed.  So, believe it or not -especially since I joked about it after the first night- "The Experiment" is effectively over, almost before it began.  Don't get me wrong, we will still be going out every week, if for no other reason than we like food/wine/gossiping.  I am also quite impressed with and a little freaked out by our seemingly magical powers of manifestation.... It's a good thing we plan to use our power for good, not evil.

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