Sunday, August 25, 2013

Could've been so beautiful...

I am about 80% okay, about 90% of the time these days.  Some time has passed--albeit just a few weeks--but even so, with each day that passes, hindsight gives me more and more clarity and further justifies that the decision I made was the correct one.  

Major deal-breaker aside, if we were still together, he still wouldn't have time for me.  There would always be complications and lifestyle choices that didn't mesh.  The thing is, even though logically I know this, I feel as though I was robbed of discovering it organically and determining whether or not there was enough love there to power through the little things.  

I never got the chance to see what it would be like for him to go climb a mountain while I went out for cocktails with the girls, then meet back up and discuss our respective adventures while snuggling.  I never got the opportunity to figure out what annoyed me about him, or what little idiosyncrasies he had that would eventually drive me crazy.  We never got to have our first fight about something stupid that we would laugh about later on.

I've heard it said that things don't have to last forever to be perfect, and I believe it.  We had a perfect few months.  The problem is because they were so perfect, it makes it that much harder let go--to not continuously wonder how much more amazing it could have become.  

Then there are days like today... I got up early to go to the farmer's market.  The last time I went to this particular market was over a month ago, and it was with him and his kids.  It occurred to me that I might run into him there, so of course I slapped on some makeup and made it a point to wear actual clothing instead of my pajamas even though I am positive the universe will not allow me to see him unless I am completely unprepared and looking like something my cat barfed up.  And although I did not see him there, by the time I'd bought my basil, peaches and gladiolas, I was practically in tears.  It's astounding how many memories you can make with someone in such a short time. 

The remainder of the morning was an emotional war zone... a song on the radio that reminded me of him...(bwooosh!!!)...there's that restaurant we went to on our second date...(blammmm!!)... a commercial for the State Fair that we'd talked about taking the kids to...(kabamm!!!)  By the time I got home from my hour-long outing, I was so mentally exhausted, I could barely stand up.

I know it's not really him that I miss at this point, especially considering I'm not entirely certain I really knew who he was.  More so, it's the future he allowed me to so carefully map out in my silly, girl-brain.  When the life you thought you were going to have is unceremoniously torn from your grasp, it's difficult to return to the life you were previously living.  Difficult, but not impossible, thankfully.  

I'm thinking one of these days, my sadness might very well morph into raw, untamed anger, at which point I can start mentally planning the future I will share with my lesbian cell-mate in a nice minimum-security prison facility in the desert.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

So I fell in love with a sociopath...

Maybe I am being overly dramatic, then again, maybe not.  

He "futured" me... and I let him do it.  It's what I wanted, so I never stopped to question it.  He hypnotized me with his dreamy eyes and disheveled hair.  He told me everything I was ready to hear, and got my ovaries all in an uproar.  Yes, he seemed too good to be true, and perhaps that should have been my first clue, but for once, I was trying not to be cynical and over-think things the way I am apt to do.

For the last 3 weeks, I have stood by watching my friends stare at me with thinly-veiled disbelief that I would even consider giving this guy a second chance.  It got to where I barely recognized myself at times.  In knowing what I knew about him, and attempting to move past it anyway, I had begun turning into a suspicious, mistrustful, apathetic shell of my former self who could barely get out of bed some days.  All the while, adamantly trying to convince myself that it would just take time.  That he really was sorry and that he truly meant it when he said he loved me and wanted a life with me. That I could believe in him.  

Then it happened... that integral moment which made this decision I'd been so painfully struggling with, seem so suddenly simple.  

After an ostensibly perfect evening together, cooking dinner, laughing, and enjoying each other's company the way we always had, we started discussing some serious things, and I asked him to let me look at his phone.  Let me repeat that for emphasis:  I asked him to let me look at his phone.  Many a crazy lady would have waited until he was asleep and stolen a peek, but I pride myself on not being that lady.  In light of the things that have happened, I felt this was a completely reasonable request.  He, however, froze like a dear in headlights.  The look on his face answered every un-asked question I had left.  I told him to leave my house, never contact me again, and if he had time, go to hell.

Today I shot 150 rounds at the range, bought $100 worth of underwear, and ate a pretzel bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's... all legitimate techniques for coping with heartbreak, yet still the sadness has crept in.  I think it was inevitable, even though ultimately I know I made the right decision.

I count myself lucky that I only wasted 3 months, not 3 years on him (God bless that whole 'older and wiser' schtick).  I also take some comfort in the knowledge that I have a significant number of dear friends poised to drop-kick him in the baby-maker if he ever comes near me again.  

In hindsight, it's probably best that it's over... In the time we were together, I heard him use the "word" "irregardless" more than once, and let's face it, that has always been a deal-breaker for me.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Just give me a reason...

This will either turn out to be the best or worst decision I've ever made.  Only time will tell... I want to believe this will be amazing, that the last few weeks have been a speed bump (or more accurately, a giant cesspool of suck) that if we can move past, will make our relationship that much stronger.  

I hear of this happening... People and their unsolicited advice have told me that working through hardships make for stronger bonds in the end.  That is yet to be determined, but considering I have given up on every other relationship I've ever had as soon as things got complicated, maybe trying a new tactic isn't the worst idea.  

It's not my first rodeo... I know that as a 35-year old woman, anyone I meet is going to have a certain amount of baggage.  I don't feel as though I entered this situation blindly--  I knew he was broke; I didn't care, he has ambition, ideas, goals and a crazy work ethic.  I knew he had kids;  I didn't care, I think they're awesome.  His house looks like a freaking Unibomber shack; I didn't care, I'm really good at cleaning.  It's the emotional, ex-related stuff I hadn't anticipated... 

Obviously, everyone (once past the age of 16 or so) has a certain amount of Ex-related fucked-upness they bring to new relationships.  This is definitely nothing new to me, but it gets tricky when the person you've fallen for is still actively dealing with the toxicity of their former.  I got lucky with my Ex, in that both of his Exes and children lived out of state and there was little to no contact taking place.  Selfishly, this was awesome.  I knew every detail about them, his relationship with both of them and the circumstances surrounding why they were no longer around, and although some crazy shit had gone down, I feel like I was better able to deal with it because there was zero chance I was ever going to actually have to deal with it.

Meanwhile, back in the giant fishbowl where I currently reside, everyone knows everyone else as well as their secrets, their past mistakes and their present bullshit.  This makes for difficult decision making, because even if you fancy yourself the type of person who cares very little about what others think, the fact is, you still care a little.  

All I know at this moment, is that I have spent the last 2 weeks observing those around me and their relationships.  What I have seen is people my parents' age who are plodding along in loveless marriages, doing little more than tolerating each other. They share a home, but not a bedroom, an intimate moment or even a kind word.  I have seen people who have been together 2, 3, and 5 times longer than he and I, who do nothing but fight and spew vitriol at each other, and seem genuinely miserable together -not all the time- but a majority of the time.  

Then I look at us... I'm not an idiot, I know we barely know each other, but the love I feel for this person even after what we've been dealing with the last few weeks, is still there.  There has been an exorbitant amount of hurt, but never has there been name-calling or harsh words said in anger that we are unable to take back--something I witness happening endlessly around me.  And somehow, even throughout some pretty dark moments, we've been able to laugh.  This reinforces the faith I have that some things are worth the struggle.  But again, only time will tell... 

Friday, July 12, 2013

And people wonder why I'm superstitious...

Obviously I know that superstition, or Mercury being in retrograde, or any number of other voo-dooey, mystical things have very little if anything to do with the fact that life can be a little bitch.  She's just waiting there quietly ...biding her time until you are nice and happy and complacent.  Then, out of nowhere...BAM!  Here is a giant, steaming pile of shit for you to deal with!  You're welcome!

Now, I've always been a bit of a "when life gives you lemons, make lemon-drop martinis" kind of a girl, but even my optimism has its limits.  

I was recently blind-sided by some information I learned about the man I'm seeing.  Was seeing.  Haven't yet decided if I am going to continue seeing.   Yes, the same man I so cock-eyed optimistically cooed and gushed about in my most recent post.  Part of me wishes I could turn back time and slap the keyboard right out from underneath my fingers, as I clearly jinxed myself by making such grand statements about my unconditional love for him.  Apparently, I do have some conditions.  

As is my way, when life and everything I know to be true comes crashing down around me, I got in my car and drove 500 miles away from the problem, hoping to gain some clarity.   It's amazing what 7 hours of driving, while intermittently crying, listening to bad country music and chain-smoking, can do for the soul.  And God bless my friend at the other end of those miles, for listening, making sure I ate, plying me with alcohol, making me laugh and giving me a peaceful place to talk things out and try to heal.  

Somehow, after all the emotions I experienced this week; after all the tears, and the screaming at the top of my lungs while driving down the highway at 85 mph, and the anger and the sadness, my brain and my heart still aren't ready to make a deal.  This is brand-new territory for me.  Usually, my decisions are pretty cut and dried.  If this were any of my friends, I know exactly what I would tell them.  But I just can't seem to take my own advice... not yet.   

Saturday, June 22, 2013

I used to wear mine underneath my right pant leg, strapped to my boot, but now it's on my sleeve...

A good (and brutally honest) friend once told me that my blog posts, much like Ani Difranco's music, are not as good when I am happy.  I assume she thinks they lack the sardonic, self-effacing edge that comes with being single and miserable.  Not that I've ever really been miserable, but you know what I mean.  

For the past 3 months, I've been floating along on a blissful little cloud, annoying the hell out of the people around me with my constant smiling and glazed-over eyes, and the dreamy, contented sighs that keep escaping my lips at random moments throughout the day. I can't help it... I'm in love.  And since I am no longer afraid of jinxing it, you're gonna hear all about it...

I feel like new relationships are like a drug addiction.  You start off just trying it out, seeing if it's something you might enjoy recreationally.  Before you know it, you start to crave it.  It becomes harder and harder to resist having it and it becomes an all-consuming desire.  For someone like me, who is a self-proclaimed loner, this is a strange sensation.  Suddenly, I want to spend every waking moment with this person.  I want to crawl inside him and cozy up, and figure out what makes him tick, what he loves, and who and what made him into the person lying next to me that I can't stop touching. There is also the hilarity that comes with the newness... for example, slipping your last name into casual conversation so as not to make it awkward that you've had your tongues in each other's mouths, yet you don't know each other's surnames.  Then there is the 45 minutes it takes to compose every text I send, making sure it is not just witty and smart, but also that it is spelled correctly, punctuated properly, and winky-face emoticons have not been overused.  

Once you get a month or so under your belt, it gets a little easier and more fun.  About this time, I personally enjoy tossing around the "b" word when talking with friends and co-workers.  "Oh yeah" I'll say, nodding knowingly "my boyfriend gets heartburn from time to time as well."  Or, "Speaking of electric eels, my boyfriend told me the funniest story the other day..." Regardless whether or not anyone has mentioned eels, electric or otherwise.

Obviously, I've been in love before.  I've been writing about my various exes for years.  Now I'm beginning to wonder if all of my journaling therapy has led me to this man.  My whole life, I've heard happily married people say things like: "When it's right, you just know."  Well, he and I are three months in, and I knew after a week and a half that I was done looking.  And if there was any remaining doubt, it was completely erased a few days later when we kissed for the first time.  

He smells like pine trees, diesel, soap and manliness.  I am powerless against this.  The pillow-smelling antics that occur after he leaves my house in the morning are comical. He works harder than anyone I've ever met; is humble and genuine and does not take himself too seriously.  He is hilariously sarcastic, strong yet gentle and an amazing dad to his two kids. I've always joked about how I wished I could fashion together a voo-doo doll-type boy made up of all the best qualities of all my exes...ask and ye shall receive?  

Now, don't get me wrong, he is not without his faults. There is a significant amount of ex/mother-of-his-kids baggage on board this train.  Not to mention, the man works endlessly and is therefore exhausted 99% of the time.  Unfortunately, the little time we have together is usually a few nights a week after I get off work, which is typically 2 hours or so after his normal bed time.  I realized the other day, he is basically a Gremlin.  I can't give him food or water or get him wet (i.e. let him take a shower) after midnight, though instead of turning into a demon, he will just fall asleep. Like, instantly.  I'm not entirely certain he's not narcoleptic.

Our work schedules are far from conducive to nurturing a budding romance, but the thing is, I don't care.  In the past, I have always had a tendency to over-think and over-analyze things.  I would often worry too much about the future and as a result, act like a crazy person in the present.  This time, though, everything just feels different.  There are so many things we don't know about each other...probably some pretty major things, but the fundamentals are there and so is the love and the trust.  As far as I'm concerned,  I know all I need to know.  I would marry him tomorrow if he asked me, and I would happily spend every day for the rest of my life, learning the details.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Haven't ranted about crap in awhile, so here I go....

Anyone who knows me, or reads this blog regularly, knows that I work in a restaurant.  I have worked in restaurants, from divey to fancy, as well as everything in between, off and on since I was 16 years old.  I fully intend to write a book about my experiences in food service at some point, but until I do, I'd like to take this opportunity to vent a little, share some pet peeves and hopefully in the process, provide some insight and education to those who frequent restaurants, but have never worked in one.

When you go out to eat, it is reasonable to expect a certain level of quality.  However, I feel like the phrase "You can't please everyone all the time" should be painted across the front door of every restaurant in existence.  It has certainly become my motto over the years.  Here's an example of why:  For every 10 steaks that are ordered and prepared "medium", 5 people will say it is cooked perfectly and tastes delicious; 3 people will say it's under-cooked and send it back to be redone; 1 will say it's terrible and refuse to pay for it; and 1 will eat the entire steak, say it's fine, pay the bill, then go home and write an awful, online review about the restaurant.  This last person, the bad review writer who wasn't happy, but didn't alert anyone so they could try to remedy the issue, is one of my biggest peeves.  

Restaurants serve meals to hundreds of people a day.  Mistakes are bound to happen once in awhile since they are, after all, run by humans.  The important thing to remember is that these mistakes are not intentional and any place worth it's salt will typically bend over backwards to either fix the problem or compensate you in some way, since you are the one keeping them in business.  My point is, you have to let someone know there is a problem.  Thanks to a handful of gross movies, people seem to have the idea that if they complain about their food, the server will do something disgusting to it.  Now, while I can't say this never happens, I can say that in the 15 years I've worked in restaurants, I've never seen it happen.  There are always jokes, but no one I've worked with would ever actually do it and if they did, you had better believe I wouldn't stand by let it happen.  That being said, don't be afraid to let your server know when something is wrong.  As long as you're polite, and clear about how you would like it fixed, your server and/or the manager is usually more than happy to do what they can to please you.  
It's also a good idea, especially if you are trying out a new place, to listen to your server's suggestions.  Most restaurants have at least a few items that aren't great, but are on the menu anyway for various reasons.  Your server will be more than willing to tell you their personal favorite items, as well as the most popular items.  And if you're lucky enough to get someone really honest, they will come right out and say "We are a steak house. Order a steak.  The only reason we have the cheese ravioli you're asking about is to appease vegetarians, but it's not great."

This brings me to Pet Peeve #2... Since I began managing, I can't tell you how many times I've had to speak with an unhappy table at the end of their meal, who didn't want to tip their server.  "Well, the food was terrible", they say.  To which I respond "I'm sorry you didn't like the food, did you let your server know so they could bring you something else?".  Often, the answer is no.  It's then I say to them "Did your server do everything they could for you?  Did you get your drinks/refills in a timely manner?  Were they friendly and helpful?"  Often, the answer is yes.  

People.  Please understand that your server does not cook your food, nor do they have any control over how long it takes to do so, or what it tastes like when it arrives.  If your server has provided you with good, timely, friendly service for the duration of your meal, and your only complaint is that the food was bad, you still need to tip your server!  It's one thing if you don't want to pay for the food--that is understandable and something you need to speak to the manager about--but tipping is still necessary.  Your server makes $4.00 an hour and just spent at least that long waiting on you.  Do not punish them for things that are out of their control. If you do, you're an asshole.  Think about it this way:  Let's say you work in an office setting.  You spend an hour on the phone with a customer who is dissatisfied with one of your company's products.  You finally calm them down and offer them a refund on the item, but they are still annoyed and tell you they won't buy your company's products in the future.  You hang up, and your boss comes in and tells you that you will not be getting paid for that last hour on your next check.  How is that fair?  

Another point of contention is coupons.  Coupons are great for both businesses and customers.  They get customers in the door during slow months and provide people with a good deal.  However, your server is doing the same amount of work, whether you paid full-price for your meal or not.  Please tip on the amount of the original, un-discounted bill.

Pet Peeve #3
It is 2013.  The standard tip amount is 18-20% for good service.  15% is no longer the norm, and anything less than 10% is just insulting.  If you are bad at math, use your iphone app or ask the server to add the appropriate amount for you.  If you are foreign, I don't care how they do things in your country, you need to buy a USA guidebook and learn the local customs.  There is no excuse for not tipping or tipping poorly, unless your server is flat-out rude, mean, or apathetic, in which case you should promptly alert a manager.

Pet Peeve #4
Please don't complain about prices.  This is an especially frustrating thing to hear when you work in a small, independently-owned establishment.  I've heard people say "I can get this same steak at 'Blah Blah' corporate restaurant down the street for $4.00 less!"  Of course you can, because there are 5 different 'Blah Blah' corporate restaurants in this town and they get huge discounts from distributors for ordering in mass quantities.  Mom and Pop places know they can't always compete with corporate places on pricing, which is why they typically try to make up for it by offering various specials and incentives, or by making your experience special in some way that 'Blah Blah' can't.  

Things cost what they cost and are priced accordingly.  If you can't afford to go out to eat, then don't.  Yes, you can get a bottle of wine at the liquor store or a steak at the grocery store for 1/3 of what you pay in a restaurant.  But remember, we charge more because we are preparing it for you, serving it to you, and washing your dishes/cleaning up for you when you're finished.  It's called 'overhead' and it's sort of the whole concept behind restaurants.  Anyone who thinks an independent restaurant is "sticking it to them" with prices, then laughing all the way to the bank, is mistaken.  Most small establishments, especially in touristy areas where business is seasonal, are one slow week and an unapproved loan away from going out of business altogether.  I've seen it happen more than I like.

Pet Peeve #5
Please don't get angry with the hostess/manager because you didn't have the foresight to call ahead when you knew you would be bringing 9 of your closest friends out to dinner at 7:00 on a Saturday night and now you have to wait for a table.  We will do what we can to accommodate you, but we're not going to displace people who did make reservations, just because you're hungry NOW.

Finally, and this is a bartending-specific pet peeve, please don't order "double" Long Islands, or "double" Margaritas.  These, and similar drinks are already 3/4 alcohol and are prepared in a way to taste like they aren't.  When you ask for these to be "doubles", you sound like a douche.  If you are  hell-bent on getting plastered at dinner, then either keep a flask in your glove box so you can pre-game in the parking lot, or order straight shots on the side.  And maybe check out an AA meeting sometime.

I could go on for hours about all the strange and crazy things I encounter working in the food-service industry, but I felt these were some of the most important.  If nothing else, I would ask that you show a little compassion for other people who are trying to make a living the best way they know how, just like you are.   I'm sure your job has it's sucky moments too and maybe you can tell me about it sometime. :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I can hardly believe it myself...

Ahhh, Spring... The time of year when birds are chirping, flowers are budding, hormones are raging, and the air is so thick with love it's almost palpable.  I am going to try my damnedest not to fill this post with cliches and gooeyness, but it might be difficult, considering my recent state of complete and total twitterpation.  
If you will recall, about a month and a half ago, some girlfriends and I decided to start going out regularly to some new places to see if we could meet some new people.  You may also recall, we weren't having much luck.  This all changed, however, by the 4th week.  In a strange, yet almost kismetic (I think I made that word up) way, one friend said yes to a date with someone she had known for awhile, the other took a chance on someone she'd never really considered, and I met someone I never dreamed existed.  So, believe it or not -especially since I joked about it after the first night- "The Experiment" is effectively over, almost before it began.  Don't get me wrong, we will still be going out every week, if for no other reason than we like food/wine/gossiping.  I am also quite impressed with and a little freaked out by our seemingly magical powers of manifestation.... It's a good thing we plan to use our power for good, not evil.