Saturday, January 28, 2012

If you put the toilet paper on upside-down, I will murder you in your sleep...

I, like many gals (I presume) am capable of being a pretty kick-ass girlfriend. As a rule, I'm not a jealous person. I am pretty trusting as well as trustworthy. I'm a good cook, I love the sex and when it comes to guys wanting "guy time", I say "Fucking go!" It gives me some quiet time to eat an entire bag of potato chips and read a book without someone pawing at my lady business.
I'm also not a big talker... I tend not to speak unless I have something worthwhile to say. You won't find me babbling about nonsense just to fill what someone else perceives to be an awkward silence and you certainly won't catch me trying to tell my boyfriend about the pair of boots I just bought while he's watching some sport show. Just like I don't give a flying rat's ass about how many points So-and-So scored in Such-and-Such game, I'm pretty sure no guy I've dated cares about the awesome deal I just got on wooden picture frames that I plan to craft the shit out of-Martha Stewart style-with glitter and seashells. Know your audience, people.

Here is why I end up being a shitty girlfriend much of the time.... I've always been kind of a loner. It's not that I don't enjoy spending time with friends and boyfriends, I just really enjoy spending time alone too. Often. To the point where I could potentially be a scary, reclusive mountain-person someday. I hate talking on the phone, so I rarely answer it. My trusting nature quite often borders on apathy and I suck at compromising.

So, big deal. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. People learn to love each other in spite of/because of these traits. However, I have yet to discuss "the crazy". Fact: All girls are born with a crazy gene. You can try to deny it, but you know I'm right. I just don't think it needs to have a negative connotation. Craziness is what makes us creative and passionate and (at times) irrational and impulsive. I embrace my crazy and nurse it like a wounded sparrow my cat brought in and let loose in the living room. It's what keeps a smile on my face when I'm at work, surrounded by a bunch of drunk-asses who have chosen to drown their sorrows at my bar. It's what makes me laugh out loud at completely inappropriate times and it's what makes me think to myself "I genuinely like who I am". I really hope most people think the same thing about themselves because if they don't, then good luck finding anyone else who will.